Welcome to Ambler Church of the Brethren

A Family in Faith

The Ambler Church of the Brethren welcomes all people,
regardless of ethnicity, orientation, ability, or status… everyone.
Come in person, or join our services online in Room V with this link!

Click to join Room V!

Our worship is on the traditional side, but if you enjoy heart-felt singing, thought-provoking preaching, and awesome community, this may be the place for you! May God bless you on your journey!


* Food Distribution: 9:00am 1st Sat of each month-come if you need food!
    (Volunteers are welcome to come at 7:30am to help prepare!)


Statement of Affirmation

We, the Ambler Church of the Brethren, welcome all people into full membership and participation in all aspects of our church life. All God's children are invited to share in this journey toward God's wholeness together; people of all races, ethnicities, ages, gender identities, family statuses, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientations, socio-economic classes ... EVERY person. YOU are welcome.

We celebrate the diversity of God's family and seek to lift up and affirm each person, supporting the dignity, wholeness, and intrinsic value of every woman, man, and child. We commit to intentionally live out in word and deed the love of Jesus for all people, extending God's peace to all who seek it.

We honor the guiding principle that our faith family must be a safe place for all who are seeking the unconditional love offered by Jesus. Through our studies, our fellowship, and our prayer and meditation, we will continue to learn and grow in our understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

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